Head to head
V 0.1 & V 0.2

Intervention - performance
Zentralbibliothek, Zürich, Switzerland
Deichmanske bibliotek TøyenOslo, Norway
spring 2018
Head to head V0.1 is an intervention happened in Zurich, from a café, a hidden setup of an ultra-sonic speaker placed in a café facing the wall of Zentralbibliothek and streaming Trump - Inauguration speech, with a child sound effect.
When passers cross the focused beam of sound, the sound waves silently travel until it bounces from the solid surface, which means when the wave touches the body, it gives the feeling that sound is coming out of the body.
The intervention tries to give a speech another chance to be heard. Despite Trump's characteristics, a speech to reflect on, not the character uttering it with means to divide.
In V0.1 The intervention tries to give a speech another chance to be heard. Despite Trump's characteristics, a speech to reflect on, not the character uttering it with means to divide.
Head to Head V. 0.02 Is an intervention took place at Deichmanske bibliotek Tøyen. Live with two hidden performers inside the library and an ultrasonic/parametric speaker to engage with the audience in the form of indirect communication, challenging the strategies of public space and the private space which accrue within the library when an individual takes a chair within the public space (the library).
IN V0.2 I we aimed to blur/obscure of the private space within the public space, and co-create with the audience a meeting space.
Over three days in the library, the intervention took place, a hidden ultrasonic speaker facing an inviting chair. When a person sits in a chair, they will first hear a soundscape of the library. The participant will experience an increase in the volume of the pre-recorded sound from the actual space; this soundscape aims to blur the boundary between the existing space and the fictional space. The participant will be asked a series of questions with instructions to answer through a series of simple body gestures such as nodding the head and raising one hand. The two hidden performers will play on the possibility for further interaction with other participants.

CREATOR: Liam Monzer Alzafari
performer: Hazel Barstow
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