Bitch Where The Fuck Is My Manifesto?!
Oslo Internasjonale Teaterfestival 2020
Bit-teatergarasjen, Bergen 2021
Rosendalteater, Trondheim 2021
Nordwind Festival, Kampnagel, Hamburg 2021

Bitch where the Fuck is my Manifesto?! is based on Duduzile's personal research triggered by meeting points for intercultural intersectionality related to voice, body and movement.
The performance addresses the vulnerability and sexuality of the black female body, and is an attempt to regain narratives and freedom of action that have previously been taken away from people belonging to minorities and indigenous peoples. Does our gaze change from the outside when we are confronted with a black female body on a stage, without other bodies to relate to?
The scenography has been developed as a spatial framework for the solo. The framework opens up possibilities of circular movement for the performer and breaks rhythms when entering between the light rectangular where some audience is situated. This scenography allows various types of gaze and levels of encounters between the performer and the audience, mixed spectatorship from being within the scenography to being a witness from the sides. Smell that closes the performance, and the lights work as an atmospheric setter, some audience is in light rectangular, open up audience watching audience situation, and the surrounding light building up from zero intensity to hundred intensity along with the whole performance, puts all at the same sphere eventually.
Created, directed, produced & performed by Duduzile Mathonsi
Scenography: Liam Monzer Alzafari
Dramaturgy: Deise Nunes
Supported by, and created at the Norwegian Theatre Academy. Production Manager: Sunniva Solberg. Technical support: Tim Finset and Ulf Knudsen. Project consultant / Tutor: Elenora Fabiao